Monday, August 2, 2010

MLR Luau 2010

Last Friday was the Mountain Land Rehab company picnic. This year they had it at a local park. The theme was Luau.

The food was fabulous and it was set out beautifully.

They had hired a group that does party entertainment. They set up three large inflatable toys for the kids. Will loved the bounce house and maze, but the shark slide was a little too intimidating. it was really tall, and you couldn't see where you'd end up at the bottom.

Will liked running through the maze. It had a slide at the end. I thought that he might have trouble climbing up, but I think that he might have a future as a human fly. He barely even used the foot and hand holds!

Here he is almost at the top.

Here he is about to go down the slide. He had absolutely no fear. He would throw himself down that thing!

Grandpa finally had to snag him so that we could go watch the hula dancers. He was drenched in sweat.

They brought in a group that does dancing from around the South Pacific. Will liked it, but he was mad at us because we wouldn't let him get out there and dance with them.

He was happier once they let everyone stand up and learn the hula.

Luckily my camera has a video function. The quality isn't great, but here are some of Will and Paul's dance moves.

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