Monday, August 23, 2010

Pool Party

We had a pool party on Saturday at Rhonda's house with our friend Merrill and his daughter Kensie. We kind of got a late start, so rather than go to the big pool we just set up the little pool for the kids to swim in.

Will and Kensie had a lot of fun splashing around while we cooked up the food.

After lunch we went downstairs and let the kids jump in the bounce house. I only got one good shot because they were jumping around so much!

When they got tired of jumping Grandpa Bob brought out the pool of balls.

Will was worn out by the time he went to bed that night, but it was so much fun to have everyone over for a visit.
After dinner we decided to play the new game that Erin gave Paul for his birthday. It's based on a TV show called Banzai. It's a weird game where you watch a DVD for clips and then bet on the outcomes using little plastic sushi pieces. The hardest part was that you had to use a pair of plastic chop sticks to get the betting pieces into the little bowls, and you only had 15 seconds to do it! Usually I would do well at a manic game like this, but my chop stick ability is sorely lacking. Rhonda was the winner.
Erin was gracious enough to take a picture of us all wearing our Banzai headbands.

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