Monday, August 30, 2010

Car Show and Gardens

On Saturday we went to a car show. It was mostly classic cars, but there were some really nice new ones, too. Paul was in heaven.

I was persuaded to go because it was being held at a local botanical gardens. I figured that when Will and I got tired of looking at cars we could wander around looking at flowers and other pretty things.

When you first walk into the gardens you start at the top of a very steep hill. This picture doesn't do it justice, but there is one further down that looks back up the hill that gives you a better idea. Luckily they had a path the wound down a more gently slope so that we could get the stroller down. However, the hike back up was not pleasant.

Most of the flowers were still in bloom. With all of the rain that we have had this year the flowers have gone nuts.

They had the cars spread out across multiple lawns.

There was a little creek running through the center of everything.

This is the shot back up the hill.

William was in the stroller most of the walk because we didn't want him touching the cars.

At one point Will and I went off on a side path to see what else was in the gardens. There was a vine covered pathway that had little wooden doors inside. Through the doors was a little walled in secret garden. I let Will run around in there for a while.

This is the face you get when you have Will say "cheese".

Once we left the secret garden Paul decided to give Will a ride.

William and Paul liked the old dump trucks.

One of the sections of cars were Austin Healey's. Since Rhonda's first car was a 1959 Bug Eyed Sprite we had to have a picture of one.

There were a lot of cars to look at. Paul loved it, but Will and I soon were getting tired.

I found us a bench near the rose garden so that we could sit and relax for a bit.

It was a really nice day. The wind was blowing a bit, but it kept the tempurature down to a reasonable level. We were all exhausted after climbing back up the hill, so afterward we went to Grandma's and just hung out.

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