Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spiderman and Park Silly

Here is the next in the super hero series of PJ's. We call this "Spider Baby"!

It's hard to get a good shot anymore because he refuses to stay still for very long.
The dark spots under the arms on his top are actually little webs. They look like wings when he holds out his arms!
We had a good 4th of July holiday. We went up to Grandma Nina's house and watched the fireworks from her back porch. She's got a really good view of the big display that the country club sets off.
Will liked the sparklers that we set off for him, but he was scared by the fireworks that crackled. He went to bed around 8 pm, but he woke up when the big fireworks were going off. He wasn't scared of the big fireworks as long as Uncle David held him.
On Sunday we decided to go up to Park City for the Park Silly Farmers Market. It was nice to be up in the mountains where it was about 10 degrees cooler. We took a break to have a snack and listen to the local musicians and I took these shots of Will playing with his binky. He likes to twist it around in circles while it's in his mouth.

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