Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving's comes Christmas

Okay, I give up! Thanksgiving is finally over so everyone can feel free to play Christmas music and put up decorations near me now.
I can't stand the fact that we have almost completely lost the entire month of November to Pre-Christmas crap! It used to be bad enough that Thanksgiving was made out to be just the precursor to the larger holiday, now they have completely crushed it into submission and we are starting to lose Halloween. I can't believe that the minute ghosts and jack-o-lanterns come down they immediately put up lights and trees! What happened to fall leaves, pilgrims, and cornucopias?
So, I usually tell anyone within fifty feet of me that if I hear or see anything Christmas like before Thanksgiving is over I will hurt someone.
Of course, now that we are past that deadline feel free to do whatever you want. I'm not Scrooge...

Anyway...I have some new pictures for everyone. :-)

First off, Paul thought that we should document the change in the flooring, so he took a picture after they pulled up all of the old stuff.

So, once we had the new stuff in I insisted that he pose for a picture. You can't see a ton of it because we had to put a rug down to keep from sliding back and forth all day.

This one is from the weekend before we had the floors done. Mom and dad had come over to help pack and Will was bouncing in his jumper. He had been in there a while and it was getting late. He actually rocked himself to sleep.

These ones are from some of his recent times in the high chair. He's learning to put things into his mouth. He really likes bananas.

This one is from Thanksgiving day. We spent it at Nina's house, but Mom and Dad came to join us. Will was dressing all stylish in his clothes from Grandpa Dale.

Once we were all stuffed we got Will into his PJ's and he played with everyone. Here he is hanging out with Uncle Ed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Being sick sucks!

Sorry that I haven't posted anything new in a bit. I've been sick with a stupid virus. It started in my head and has migrated down into my lungs. I'm starting to think that if I keep coughing like this my head is going to explode...or at least my eyes are going to pop out. I may actually have to give in and go see a doctor so that they can give me some antibiotics or something. At this point a large hammer to bash over my head would be nice.

Luckily Paul and Will haven't gotten it yet. I think that Will inherited his dads immune system, which would be awesome. Paul hardly ever gets sick, and I seem to always be sick with something. Will has only had a minor head cold since he was born so it appears that he takes after Paul. Good, maybe then I will have two people to take care of me when I am ill.

We've still got a lot of stuff in boxes at home. We've managed to unpack the majority of the stuff that was in the garage, but there is still a lot of stuff in the store room under the house. Paul did make one good find yesterday...he found the box that we had stashed the remote control for the TV in! It felt like we were living in the stone age there for a while. :-)

Monday, November 17, 2008

And We're Back...

We're finally moved back into our house now that the new floors are in.
Man...they look nice compared to the old stuff!
Now we just have to cover up all of the crap that got exposed when they pulled up the old stuff. All along the stairs there are tiny nail holes, and big holes that go straight through the dry wall into the storage area under the house. It's kind of like living in a big piece of Swiss cheese!
I'll post some pics once I get a chance to find the camera. I know it's in a box somewhere...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Preparing For New Flooring

Okay, so it's finally time to have our new flooring put in. We spent the weekend getting everything moved out of the house so that the installers would have a clear path. It took about 10 hours to get everything moved, and that was with the help of 6 family members! We decided to rent one of those temporary storage units that they bring out to the house to store most of the stuff in, but we still managed to fill the garage, too.
Man, we have WAY too much crap!!!
Luckily we have loving parents who are allowing us to camp out at their house until the work is done. Grandma Rhonda graciously offered to let us crash in one of her spare rooms for a few days. (I'm sure that having access to the baby whenever she wants had nothing to do with it...)

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Okay, we finally got some of the white stuff. In fact, we got some 3-8 inches of it in different parts of the valley, and up to 26 inches at the ski resorts. This storm has dumped so much on us that Snowbird has decided that they will be opening this weekend for skiing on most of their runs. So, spread the word to anyone who is a powder head.

I am so glad that we already had a winter coat for Will. We bought him a nice warm parka last month when we had a cold snap. I'll have to get a picture of him all dressed up so that you can see. He kind of looks like the little kid from 'A Christmas Story'. He can't move much so his arms stick straight out! It's hilarious!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day and New Teeth

Well, it's finally here. After 2 years of having to listen to people promise how they will make this country better we're going to find out who will actually get the chance to try. I'm a firm believer in the saying "If you didn't vote then you have no room to complain about how things are being run." And, since I love to complain, I made sure that I voted this year. So, no matter how things turn out I now have the right to complain about them. :-)

The other fun news today is that Will officially has teeth. The babysitter said that yesterday he was making funny faces and moving his mouth in weird ways. So, she checked it out and his two bottom front teeth had poked through. It turns out that he was making all the faces because he could feel them and it was a new sensation for him. Of course, by the time that I came to take him home they had gone back down due to swelling. The good part is that we are past all of the pain of getting them in...course we still have a mouthful of others left. I was feeling around in there last night and I think that one of the top ones will be next. It feels like it is right below the surface.

I can't believe how lucky we have been to have such a good baby. Will is so mellow about everything that he rarely cries. Even during all of this teething he has only been cranky a few times. The only thing that has really thrown him off lately has been the time change. He is so used to eating and sleeping at certain times that we've had to do everything an hour earlier now. I'm hoping that we can slowly move things back the extra hour so that our schedule and his realign. He was used to getting up around 5:30 am to have his first bottle and get the day started, but with the time change he now wakes up when the clock says 4:30 am. At least he's content to go back to bed once he's been fed so that we can get a bit more sleep.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well, Will has had his first Halloween. We didn't go trick-or-treating because he's still too little to eat candy, and I don't really need to have all those sweets lying around. Paul brought Will to my office because he was part of our themed costumes this year.

Here are some of the pics.

Ashley, Will, Rhonda, and Pepper as Pumpkins at work
(See, even the dog can't get out of celebrating!)

Bob relives some of his glory days!

We had to have a close-up on that hair.

Once all of the treats were handed out we all settled into a sugar coma. I'm sure diabetes is in all of our futures after the last few days!

After all of the celebrating was done we brought Will over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. He got to show off his very first pair of super hero PJ's. Paul was so excited that he was finally big enough for Spider Man!