Thursday, September 16, 2010

Like I need a hole in my head.

This morning I had my CT scan at the ear, nose, and throat doctor's.

The first thing that happened when I got there was a very nice assistant took me back to an exam room and proceeded to spray a combination of Afrin and Lidocaine up my nose. For the next 10 minutes I was told to sit there and wait while the entire front half of my head went numb. The only good thing was that the Afrin opened my breathing passages more than they have been for the last 3 years.

It's weird to all of a sudden be able to breathe again.

Anyway, after that I was escorted to the CT scanner, where I had to sit perfectly still with my head strapped a chair. That was probably the longest 40 seconds of my life.

Then there was more waiting while the doctor read the scans.

He finally came in to show me what my head looks like from the inside out.

(For all of you waiting with baited breath, yes, I do have a brain in there.)

He showed me the images of my nasal passages and even my untrained eyes could tell that my septum is severely deviated. Turns out that I also have a bone spur getting in the way.

So, the doctor recommends that I have surgery to straighten things out and remove the spur.

The only problem is that I used up all of my paid time off to go to all of the doctors appointments. It will be at least 2 months before I have enough built back up again to take time off for surgery. Not to mention that I will need to have some time off saved for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.


At least now I know why I've been having problems.

As I was sitting in my chair working on a crochet project tonight I was looking at the hook and thinking about the ancient Egyptians. When they would mummify someone in ancient Egypt they would use a small hook to extract the person's brain through their nose. I started to think that if I got a small enough crochet hook and wiggled it around up there I might be able to fix it myself.

Either that or might end up giving myself a full frontal lobotomy.

Maybe I will let the professionals handle this one.

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