Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wrestling, Comedy, and Sleeping Boy

Last Saturday we spent the day at Grandma Rhonda's house playing in the swimming pool. We had a lot of fun splashing around.

After the long day we had dinner, but Will was nodding off into his plate, so I laid him down on the couch with a blanket.

He fell right to sleep.

He was so exhausted that he just slept straight through till morning. The only interruption was when we had to take him home.
PS... Thanks to Aunt Kathy for the wonderful blankets.
On Sunday night Paul, Ed, and I all went to see our friend Marcus do his comedy routine at a local club. You may know Marcus from Last Comic Standing. He came in second a few seasons ago (he was totally robbed).
Marcus is one of the crazies who taught Paul and Ed how to wrestle. The last time that I saw him he was diving out of the rafters onto some poor sap in the wrestling ring.

If you have the chance to go see Marcus live, or if you can catch his Comedy Central special that will be airing sometime this fall, I highly recommend it.

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