Monday, September 28, 2009

Lagoon 2009

We went to Lagoon on Sunday. One of Paul and Ed's friends from school was in town so we decided to use the tickets that we had. (Thanks to Uncle David and Aunt Kathy for the tickets.)

Will seemed to have fun. He and I mostly waited for the big boys to ride on all of the stomach churning stuff. We did ride on a few things with Will. The guys were good sports to ride with us so that I had some extra hands to hold onto the camera and Will.

Here's Will waiting for Daddy to get off of a roller coaster.

We took Will on the little train that runs around the park. He seemed to be unsure at first, but once he saw the animals and we let him stand up he felt better about it.

Later in the evening we rode on the Merry-Go-Round. Will liked that.

I was a bit concerned that Will might be scared because in September and October the park starts what is called Frightmares. They decorate the entire park with Halloween stuff, there are multiple haunted houses, they have dance groups doing shows all over the park, and a roving band of zombies wanders around. Will actually was really excited about it. He pointed at all of the pumpkins and when one of the zombie girls walked past she blew him a kiss. He started to laugh and watched the group stumble around. He kept turning his head to see where they had gone.
I think that he is going to grow up to be like his dad. Luckily this will be good because then Paul will have someone to go on all of the rides and haunted houses with. I can't do the thrill rides anymore. My anxiety gets too high. I'm perfectly content to sit and watch everyone else scream bloody murder!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Germs and Aliens

Okay, I have solid proof that I am, in fact, not from this planet.

I've decided this based on the movie "War of the Worlds".

As I was lying in bed last night starring at the ceiling fan, hoping that sleep would eventually overtake me, I came to the realization that I must in fact either be an alien or descended from one.

Once again I am fighting off a cold. What should have been a simple sniffle has turned into an all out battle for control of my head. For the last two days I have waged a war against disease, and I'm not sure that I am winning. Right now I am surviving (barely) by living off of Tylenol Cold, hot tea, and hope.

The stupid part is that my entire family has been exposed to this bug, and yet I am the only one who has had to lay in the bed wishing I was dead. Paul and Will have had a cold, but it was not much more than a sniffle.

Which brings me back to aliens...

As I was lying in bed, listening to Paul snore, I got to thinking about why I seem to be so much more susceptible to disease than he or Will. The only conclusion that I could come to was that either I, or my parents, are not from this planet, and therefore I do not have the natural immunity to this worlds diseases.

For anyone who has met my father this is not such a far-fetched idea.

Hey, don't laugh. It made perfect sense to me at 11 pm last night when I was hopped up on cold medicine and trying to sleep.

I'm going to go get more tea...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

End of Summer

This summer has been a lot of fun. Now that Will is big enough to enjoy being outside we have done a lot of running around. I've been trying to keep up with a few shots of each thing that we do, but it's hard to hold a camera and run after a toddler at the same time. Most of these pictures have Paul in them because he can hold Will in one place long enough for me to click.

This one is from our outing to the swimming pool. There is a big recreation center next to the Olympic Skating Oval. They have lots of pools and a splash pad for little kids. I only managed one picture though. Will wasn't in a great mood and the wind was making me cold.

These shots are from the local SLC Farmers Market. Will had fun running Daddy all over the park. We ate some great pancakes and Will was sticky from top to bottom. I was trying for a picture of that, but I had a hard time keeping my camera out of reach of sticky fingers.

We went to the Utah State Fair this weekend. Will liked looking at the animals. There was a bunch of piglets in one pen that he was laughing at. That picture came out all blurry because I was laughing, too.

This was a really cool Lego exhibit that they had at the fair. There were parts from all of the Lego types that they carry. The little signs on the sides had fun things to look for. I had to practically drag Paul away from this!

So, the lesson that I am taking away from this summer is that I might need some classes on action photography!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Grogenstein Lives!

Okay, I am the first to admit that when you look at Paul you don't think of a intimidating wrestler. He's such a big ol' teddy bear that most people think that we are joking when we tell them that he used to wrestle as "Grogenstein, the German Monster".

I've heard people say things like he's too sweet to be a wrestler. They don't know that underneath his normal exterior lies the heart of crazed WWE style fiend.

I need to find some photographic evidence. I know that I have some pictures of him wrestling somewhere. I know that I was able to snap a few photos between the spasms of laughter that I was going through when I saw him wrestle for the first time.

In the meantime, here is a cartoon that John, one of Paul's co-workers, drew.

I think that this is a perfect description of how I think of Paul/Grogenstein. He lures you in with his calm demeanour and then, BAM, he throws weirdness your way.
All I can do is laugh and love him. Who else but a secret wrestler would put up with my insanity!?!
I'm happy that I am Mrs. Grogenstein. :-)