Monday, May 21, 2012

Parks, Birthdays, and Eclipses

While we were packing this last week I found my camera again.  I had put it some where so that I wouldn't lose it, and then I promptly forgot where that place was.  Luckily I found it before the weekend because we had a lot planned.

These are some shots from last month when we went to Liberty Park for Earth Day.  Lilly and I were playing on a blanket while William ran around in the play structures and splash pad.  Unfortunately I couldn't get him to stand still long enough to take a picture.  But, at least I got some shots of our little bathing beauty.

We celebrated Lillian's first birthday on Saturday.  We did it a week early because Grandma and Grandpa were going to be out of town for the actual date.  Here's Lilly showing off her new walking ability.  She is getting her balance now.  She's managed a few steps all on her own.

Grandma Rhonda found Lilly a birthday tutu so we had her dressed up for the party.

William gave Lilly a Jack-in-the-Box and showed her how to make it work.

Grandma Nina's gift came with tissue paper, which of course was much more interesting at the time.

Cousin Jane gave Lilly a pair of pink Croc's that fit perfectly.  Too cute!

Aunt Erin gave her a new ride-on toy that makes great noises when she bounces on it.

After presents we had cake.  Lilly was a bit unsure about the candles, but William helped her blow them out.

Cake is GOOD!

After the party Aunt Erin and Grandpa Bob cooked us a great "ballpark" dinner.  We had hot dogs, chips, potato salad, and watermelon.  Lilly loved it.  She ate a whole hot dog!

On Sunday we spent most of the day packing and loading up the first of our POD storage units.  In the afternoon we went over to Nina's to play and eat dinner.  After dinner Paul, Ed, and Tom took William up to the park to see the solar eclipse.  Ed had some eclipse glasses that he got from a teacher at his school and Paul helped William make a pinhole camera out of a cereal box.  William liked it, but he was a bit more interested in playing on the toys.

Will loves the little spinning dish toy that they have at this park.  He goes so fast that it's hard to get a picture of him.

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