Friday, May 11, 2012


Okay, we've finally outgrown our little house.
We decided to list it and it went online last Friday.  By Monday evening we had 4 offers!  We picked one that would leave us enough money for the down payment on the next house and by Tuesday morning we were under contract.

The next few days were a blur of paperwork and touring houses for sale.

Last night we went to look at a great house in West Valley City.  It was double the size of our current house and it had direct access to the big city park.  It also was completely finished with new carpet, paint and all the trimmings you could hope for.

We were a little concerned about the price so we had our realtor call the listing agent and he said that they had just dropped it by $5000.  So, we went back to the office and wrote up and offer.  They had until 8 pm tonight to give us an answer.

My entire morning was spent nervously checking my cell phone and email to see if we had any word from them.

At about 11:30 am I got the call from our realtor telling us that our offer had been accepted!

I'm so excited.  The only downside is that everything will be happening so fast.  We have to be out of our house by May 29th, so hopefully the finance people will be able to get everything aligned to close on the new place by June 6th.  In the meantime we will be staying at mom and dad's house and spending some time in Idaho.

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