Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wrestling, Comedy, and Sleeping Boy

Last Saturday we spent the day at Grandma Rhonda's house playing in the swimming pool. We had a lot of fun splashing around.

After the long day we had dinner, but Will was nodding off into his plate, so I laid him down on the couch with a blanket.

He fell right to sleep.

He was so exhausted that he just slept straight through till morning. The only interruption was when we had to take him home.
PS... Thanks to Aunt Kathy for the wonderful blankets.
On Sunday night Paul, Ed, and I all went to see our friend Marcus do his comedy routine at a local club. You may know Marcus from Last Comic Standing. He came in second a few seasons ago (he was totally robbed).
Marcus is one of the crazies who taught Paul and Ed how to wrestle. The last time that I saw him he was diving out of the rafters onto some poor sap in the wrestling ring.

If you have the chance to go see Marcus live, or if you can catch his Comedy Central special that will be airing sometime this fall, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cooking Dinner

Last night as I was cooking dinner Will went downstairs to play.

When the food was ready I went down to get him and I found this.

When I asked him what he was doing he said "I cooking". He had put on his own apron and was washing dishes and was putting things in the oven and microwave to "cook".

Usually he lets me know that he is done cooking when he yells out the door that "nutch ready" (translated "lunch is ready").
I was highly impressed that he had found his apron and put it on himself. I knew that he had figured out how his bibs worked, so it makes sense that he would translate that to his apron.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Idaho Trip 2010

We did our annual pilgrimage to Idaho over this last weekend.

We went to celebrate Grandpa Bill's 80th birthday. Aunt Kathy put together a great party at Grandma and Grandpa's club house.

I spent most of the time running around after Will and taking pictures with the disposable cameras that we had for the party. I did manage to get a few shots of Will on my camera.

Grandma Rhonda gave Will a bag of new toys to play with at the party. His favorites were a paddle ball and a beach ball.

Will also liked riding in Grandma and Grandpa's golf cart. Here he is with Grandma Rhonda and Great-Grandma Donna.

Every time that I turned around Will was trying to drive off in the golf cart.

We had a lot of fun visiting with everyone. We even got to have dinner with a few of our friends from school. It's kind of surreal to look at everyone that we grew up with and see that we all have kids now.

The only down side to the trip was that we couldn't spend more time visiting. It's hard to spend a day driving and then turn around and do it again a day later.

Especially with a toddler...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

We spent Memorial Day shopping and having a picnic this year.

Paul got his Father's Day present early this year. We got a new TV and a Blue Ray player. (I know, he's spoiled.)

On our way home from the store Will was playing with his sun glasses. He has figured out how to put them on himself, but he usually gets them on upside down.

Later in the afternoon we went to the park with Grandma Rhonda, Grandpa Bob, and Aunt Erin. Grandma made a really nice picnic for us.

The little park behind Grandma and Grandpa's house has a splash pad that the kids can play in. It was really cool because it was free to the public. There were pillars around the edge that turned the water on when you touched them.

Will wanted to go into the water. I didn't have a swimsuit for him so we just let him run through in his clothes.

The only downside was that the clouds kept covering the sun and there was a breeze. By the time I pulled him out he was ice cold. Not that he wouldn't have kept playing if I had let him.
This morning I had the camera sitting out so that I could download the pictures from Memorial Day. Will found it and wanted me to take his picture. He had just gotten up, so his hair was all messy.
He has learned that you say 'cheese' when someone takes a picture.
This is him saying 'cheese'.