Saturday, March 28, 2009


You know, I can hardly believe that Will is almost a year old.
I got to looking at all of the pictures and videos from the last 12 months and I thought that I would make a little collage.
Check this out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Big Boy

I can't believe that Will is almost a year old. He's getting so big! He's started saying some simple words like Mama, Dada, and no (which is his favorite). Most of what comes out is still baby talk, but every now and then he will say something that you can understand as words.

He got really mad at me the other day when I took something away from him and he told me "No".

It's so weird to hear him make words!

He's also learning to eat more big people food. He had some pasta the other night and managed to get most of it in his hair. The next night he had some peas that he was picking up one at a time. It took a long time to empty out the bowl that way!

I couldn't help but take some pictures.

These were all from before he made a huge mess. By that time I was trying to keep things semi contained, and I couldn't get my camera.

We've all been fighting a nasty cold this week. Will and I are on antibiotics, and hopefully we will start feeling better soon.

Grandma Rhonda has offered to have the birthday celebration at her house and it looks like we will be having it the weekend before, on April 4th. I'll post some pictures once we have them.

Monday, March 16, 2009


It's funny... Will has a stuffed Monkey at almost every house that we visit.

At our house he has a girl sock monkey that my aunt made for me years ago. He likes to crew on her tail, which is discolored because I used to chew on it when I was little. (Don't worry, I washed it before I gave it to him!)

At Grandma Rhonda's he has the original sock monkey that Great Grandma Edna made (he chews on that one, too), a new store bought sock monkey that is red, and a multi colored little monkey toy that he carries around in his teeth!

At Grandma Nina's house he has a fuzzy stuffed monkey that Nina bought for him. He likes to fling that one around because it has long legs and arms and they flop around really well. He would probably chew on that one too, but it is fuzzy and I think it leaves lint on his tongue.

Maybe he knows something that we don't. Maybe monkeys taste better than they look...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So sick of SNOW!!!!!

I am so sick of the cold and wet weather.
I thought that we were supposed to be in a period of global warming, but right now I am looking out at drifts of the awful white stuff.
I'm starting to think that letting my car idle outside for a while isn't such a bad idea. Maybe I could start a bonefire with some styrofoam cups and a good amount of aerosol hairspray!! At least then I would be warm, and maybe it would help this global warm up along. Anything to get it warm around here!
The worst thing is that mom and dad are in sunny Mexico walking on warm sand and swimming in the ocean.
When Rhonda gets back I'm going to fling a snowball at her!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Home Again

Okay, we're back home again. I had issues with the camera in Idaho (figures!) so I downloaded the pictures once we were home.

Will did so well in the car. Grandma Rhonda played with him almost the entire way.

Grandpa Bob works as a great bed when you're tired!

Will also got to spend some time playing at Great Grandpa Dale's house.

We went to Nina's house for dinner Suday night after we got home and Will decided to play the piano for us. Uncle Ed caught it on camera.