Thursday, October 30, 2008

He ain't heavy, he's my son.

Okay, I think that Will is attempting to do all of his first years worth of growing in one go. He is now past the 20 pound mark, and has outgrown his infant car seat. So, we bought him a new one that can grow with him all the way to 100 pounds. At the rate he's going now he will be there by the time he's 3!

The only problem with the new seat is that it stays in the car and I have to carry Will around everywhere. I had to buy one of those shopping cart covers so that he doesn't have to ride in the gross carts that are all covered in germs from other little kids and food stuff. He has taken to riding in the cart at the store just fine, though. I think that he likes to look at all of the people and stuff around him.

The one major problem with hauling him around everywhere is that lifting him in and out of the car has caused me to sprain a ligament in my wrist. I had one of our resident physical therapists look at it yesterday and he confirmed that it was a sprain. I got a brace and it's been helping a bit. I need to try and figure out a better way of lifting Will out of his seat, but so far nothing else has been successful.

Anyone know where I can buy a small forklift!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash!
Your blog is so cute! I love reading about Will. He is the cutest little (big) guy ever! Too bad he couldn't come in to work and play more often :)
Remember if you ever need someone to watch him, I'm your girl. :) I'll add you to my friends list on my blog.