Thursday, October 30, 2008

He ain't heavy, he's my son.

Okay, I think that Will is attempting to do all of his first years worth of growing in one go. He is now past the 20 pound mark, and has outgrown his infant car seat. So, we bought him a new one that can grow with him all the way to 100 pounds. At the rate he's going now he will be there by the time he's 3!

The only problem with the new seat is that it stays in the car and I have to carry Will around everywhere. I had to buy one of those shopping cart covers so that he doesn't have to ride in the gross carts that are all covered in germs from other little kids and food stuff. He has taken to riding in the cart at the store just fine, though. I think that he likes to look at all of the people and stuff around him.

The one major problem with hauling him around everywhere is that lifting him in and out of the car has caused me to sprain a ligament in my wrist. I had one of our resident physical therapists look at it yesterday and he confirmed that it was a sprain. I got a brace and it's been helping a bit. I need to try and figure out a better way of lifting Will out of his seat, but so far nothing else has been successful.

Anyone know where I can buy a small forklift!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some days owning your own home is a pain in the...

You know, just when we decide to make some upgrades to our house the rest of it starts falling apart.
Paul and I put the first half down this last weekend on an entire house worth of new flooring. Now that we have a baby I can't stand the idea of putting him down on the existing carpet. Between our cats and my aversion to vacuuming the old stuff was starting to look mighty shabby. So, we decided to get all new carpet for the bedrooms and basement, and new hard flooring for the main level and stairs. (I can't stand vacuuming stairs!)
We also decided that it was about time that we gave in and had a water softener installed. The last straw was when I tried to use the sprayer in the kitchen sink and all that came out was 2 sad little trickles. So, last Saturday we had the guys from Superior come out and put in a brand new unit for us to try for 30 days.
Of course now that we have started upgrading this place the gods of home improvement require a sacrifice...
Last night at around 3 am I was jarred from my sleep by the sound of the new water softener running through its bi-nightly cycle. Since it was so loud I decided that I had better get up and see if something was wrong. When I went in to see what was up I discovered that the storage area behind our unfinished laundry room had a layer of water soaking the cement floor. I got Paul out of bed and he shut off the valve that feeds the new softener so that it would not put anymore water on the floor. We then proceeded to go back to bed.
I got up this morning at 5:30 to feed the baby and get him ready for the day and figured that I had better call someone to come and look at it. I called Superior and they said that it sounded like the emptying runoff just needed to be adjusted and that they would send someone out as soon as possible. At around 9 am the technician that had installed the unit showed up. He took one look at it, got out his flashlight, and proceeded to show me that it was not the softener that was leaking, but instead it was the main water shut-off valve to the house. He then explained that he could tighten it, but it would only be a short term fix. So, a new valve will now cost us $150.
Since I was already going to be missing work to have one tech come out I figured that I would call the company that we have time our heating and cooling systems come out and get our heater all ready for winter. Ah, the folly...
At noon the second tech shows up and starts to tune the system and clean everything out. About 10 minutes into this operation he calls me in to show me that the part that starts the system are almost completely burned out. He says that the best way to avoid having the heater suddenly not start in the middle of winter is to go ahead and put a new one in now. So, a new ignitor for the heating system cost us another $150, plus $15 more for the new filter that he put in.
Okay, so I know that $300 isn't huge in the grand scheme of house repairs, but it has me completely on edge now. Every little noise that the house makes now has me thinking that somethings is preparing to break.
I think I need a drink...

Monday, October 27, 2008

So, here is the story so far...

Paul and I met on, we're those kind on nerds! We dated for a little over a year when Paul finally proposed, much to my delight, and we were married 6 months later. We bought a little house in Magna, UT and settled into a comfortable life.

When I started saying that I wanted a baby right away Paul took me to the Humane Society and we adopted a cat, which later was joined by another cat for Paul. For the next 4 years our little family trundled along happily.
One day in 2006 I told Paul that I thought that it was about time that we started a family, and he agreed! (color me shocked) After two false starts, and a handful of surgeries, we finally got pregnant in the fall of 2007.

Everything was going along fine, until about 5 weeks before my due date. We found ourselves driving to the hospital in the middle of the night because my water broke. However, when we got to the hospital the doctor said that nothing was progressing and that we would have to wait for things to get going. We spent 2 days sitting around waiting to see if anything was going to happen, but when I spiked a fever they said that enough was enough and we were going to have our baby. So, after much anticipation, William Dale Grover was born on April 7, 2008 at 2 am.

Since he was so early Will spent 19 days in the NICU at St. Mark's Hospital before he could come home, which gave me time to heal.

Luckily he was really healthy and did awesome, so he didn't have to stay as long as some premies do.

Due to the harrowing circumstances surrounding his birth my mother has informed me that I am not allowed to have anymore children, so we're making the most of this one!

Time passes...

Will is now 6 months old, and he is growing fast. There are to many pictures from the last few months to get them all posted online, so we're going to work from now forward. I'll put more online as we get them.
Okay, okay....I am finally putting up a blog since everyone keeps yelling at me that they want pictures of William available online.
It's a nice feeling to know that so many people care enough about him to want to hear the details of his everyday life. To bad Paul and I aren't more interesting...