Monday, April 7, 2014

School Pictures and Updates

Well, I finally got the blog to start working again!  Something happened when I updated my internet explorer.  Bless Microsoft...

Anyway, a lot has happened since I last posted.  William is doing awesome in kindergarten.  Here is his first school picture.

We got the news that Will was accepted into the dual immersion program at school.  Starting next year he will have half a day in English and half a day in Spanish.  The program is run throughout the state of Utah and follows the kids all the way through High School.  They said that they are working with the state Universities to offer college credit to these kids in High School so that by the time they graduate they will already have a minor in their selected language.  The best part is that siblings get first choice when they get to first grade for dual immersion placement so it's likely that we will have an easy time getting Lilly enrolled as well.

Will decided that he wanted to try wrestling this year.  The local high schools have a little league program so we signed him up for that.  He did pretty well and he never gave up, even when he struggled.  We were so proud of him.  Out of 4 tournaments he won one match and tied in another.  When they had their last tournament he got a medal.  He's decided that the next thing he will try is soccer.  That league starts in April.

Grandma Donna turned 80 in January.  We decided to make her something special with the number 80, so we used our hands to make a couple of apple trees with total of 80 fingers.

I've been busy making baby blankets.  Paul's cousin, one of my friends, and my doctor all either recently had or are expecting babies.  So, I've been busy making everyone"string blankies" as Lilly calls them.  Here's a picture of the one that I made for Paul's cousin.
When I was done I had enough left over to make a pair of booties.

Paul's been working hard at Mark Miller Toyota.  They were really great about working his schedule around so that he could go to Will's wrestling tournaments.

Lilly is getting really big and basically rules our little household. Paul calls her our little kid-tator.

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