Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and relaxing holiday.  We had fun.  We went to Nina's house and ate an awesome dinner.  Nina always does such a wonderful spread for the holiday.  I think I might have gained 10 pounds just eating turkey!

William decided that he didn't want to have his picture taken and that he didn't want to eat anything for dinner.  You'd think that he was an opinionated 3 year old or something!

Lilly tolerated me snapping a few shots of her sitting in her chair as we had dinner.  She had some of her Mum Mum biscuits to chew on, so she was happy.

On Friday we went to visit the Noble side of the family.  They all caught the cold that we were struggling with the week before.  So, we hung out, feed them leftovers, and handed out medicine.  I managed to avoid most of the shopping chaos, but I did end up going to 2 stores later in the morning to get a few small items that I needed to go with William's present.  I much prefer shopping the sales online.  No crazy people with pepper spray!

Almost all of the fixes at the house are done now.  We have a finished wall in the master bedroom, no more swamp cooler opening in the hallway, and a new coat of paint on almost everything.  There are a few more items that need finished, but we are waiting on items to be delivered from the warehouses.  Aw, home ownership is so fun...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Happy Halloween 2011!

William decided that one day of Halloween was just not enough, so we had a Halloween "party" for him at Grandma and Grandpa's on Sunday.  Grandma Rhonda took him to the dollar store and bought balloons and he made everyone put on a costume.

Here are some of the highlights from our Halloween Party Weekend.

William as a cowboy riding his horse

William the Buchaneer

William and Grandma posing

Grandpa scaring us all with his mask

William and Paul on the couch

Long lost Marx brother

William's pile of friends

Will in Grandma's witch hat

I'm not sure what happened here, but the earrings make it perfect

Halloween party balloons

This years pumpkins

By the time Monday rolled around we were definitely ready to do some trick-or-treating.

I decided not to spend a ton on my costume this year, because I don't really do much except go to work.  I came up with the idea to make a spider web costume, so I used some of my white and black yarn to make this.

William decided to be Batman for his official costume.  He had no end of fun having Paul "fly" him around the house so that his cape fluttered.

We did manage to get Lilly into her Ladybug costume and take her around to show off at the offices, but by the time we got to Grandma and Grandpa's for trick-or-treating she was cranky and ready to be left alone.  So, I don't have any official pictures of her except the ones that I took when we bought the costume.

Paul, William, and Grandma Rhonda went trick-or-treating.  William got a bag of candy almost bigger than him!

Now the trick is to not eat all of it myself...