Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving and Snow

Well, we had a nice Thanksgiving, considering that Will barely ate anything and I am limited by morning sickness still. Paul helped make up for the two of us. ;-)

Nina cooked a fabulous dinner spread, as usual. Someone asked me why I don't take over the cooking duties so that Nina could have a break, but I told them that when you have a cooking master like Nina you don't mess with it. I assume that one day I will have a house big enough to hold everyone and at that point I can start taking some of the holidays on myself. But, until then I am more than happy to just help with the cleanup.

We had quite a snow storm come through last week. We ended up with about a foot of snow of the ground at our house. It was just starting to melt off a bit when another storm showed up yesterday. It snowed all day long and all last night. We now have over a foot on the ground at our house.

Driving in to work this morning was fun...

The only good part about the snow is that the roofers managed to get our new roof done before all the storms started. So, at least I am not worried that it will all melt into my attic.

Now we just need it to clear up long enough for the siding guys to come in and do their stuff.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Snow Already

Man, what happened to fall. It seems like about the time that I notice the color changing in the leaves it turns instantly cold and snow starts falling.

This morning I woke up to a front yard that looked like a bag of powdered sugar had been up ended on it.

I'm not sure that I am ready for this. This is going to delay so many things that I need done. Mainly the repair to our roof and siding.

At this rate we won't have it all done until after Christmas!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had a lot of fun this Halloween, despite the fact that I still feel crappy.

We took Will to a local pumpkin farm to choose a carving pumpkin. I managed to get one picture and then my camera ran out of power.

William was pumpkin crazed!

Paul helped us carve the pumpkins. Will helped by coloring.

David, Kathy, and Adam were all down visiting over the weekend. Erin took Adam out on Saturday with a big group of friends. Adam dressed as a CareBear.

Paul and Grandma Rhonda took Will trick-or-treating while I stayed behind to hand out candy.

They managed to go down one block before the rain started failing too hard to continue on. Will still ended up with a full bag of candy.

I've been trying my best to ration the candy so that he doesn't become sick.