Friday, October 22, 2010

Questions without answers...

I have been asking myself a lot of questions lately that seem to have no real answers.

The top one on the list is why does being pregnant make you so sick.

So far I have come up with a lot of sort-of answers, but nothing that seems like a finalized one. The best that I can do so far is that it is natures way of protecting a growing fetus from anything dangerous that you might eat. Of course, most of us don't run around eating raw shell fish and soft French goat cheese on a daily basis.

At this point I would be happy if plain old water didn't make me sick.

Another question that I was pondering is why hasn't western medicine come up with a better way of treating morning sickness. Right now the medicine of choice is an anti-histamine, which makes you very sleepy. As anyone who has been pregnant will tell you, being pregnant already makes you tired. This extra sedation does not help when trying to keep up with a house full of laundry and a 2 year old.

So, after much thinking I have decided that no answer is really enough for these questions. And if you come to my house in the next few weeks do not be surprised if you find dirty clothes every where, nothing to eat but soda crackers, and me asleep on the couch.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Well, I have news for everyone.

If you haven't already heard I am pregnant again. I am officially 6 weeks along and the projected due date is June 5th.

Now, for all of you hyperventilating into a paper bag right now, I have discussed everything with my doctor and she feels like this time we can take steps to prevent some of the problems that I had last time. So, just relax and try not to worry.

So far everything is going well. I am sick as a dog right now which is considered a sign of good growth. However, I have decided that this will be the last time that I do this, because of the sickness.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yard Sales and Costumes

We finally had our yard sale this last weekend. Mom and Dad brought some of their junk so we had lots to sell. Even though it was so late in the season we had quite a few people come by.

Will was a big helper. He helped grandma put signs on the larger items.

Later in the day mom showed him how to blow dandelion seeds. (Thanks Grandma... I'm sending you the weeding bill.)

Overall we had a great turnout and made a bit of money.

We've also been making trips to all of the local thrift stores in preparation for Halloween. Since William will only wear a costume once and then grow out of it I didn't want to spend a ton of money this year.

So far we have found a few contenders.

This one is a black cat. It's a little too short for him, but he likes it.

This one is a dinosaur/dragon. He keeps saying that he wants to be a dragon this year.

This one is my favorite thus far. It's a chicken!

Here's some video of him in the chicken costume.

I think maybe he can be the dinosaur/dragon at daycare and the chicken for Trick or Treat, since the chicken is a warmer costume.