Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Wonderland?

This morning when I got up and looked outside that song "Winter Wonderland" came to mind. We had a storm come through in the last 24 hours and we now have about 1 inch of snow on the ground.

When I watched the weather report this morning the news didn't get any better. We are supposed to have another 2 storms come through in the next week or so and dump more snow on us.

I wish that this was an April Fools joke, but I'm not that clever.

I'm so freakin' sick of the cold. I just want the sun to shine for a while.

At least with the weather being miserable I don't feel so bad about taking Will back to the aquarium this Saturday. They have a new penguin exhibit. Hopefully it won't be packed.

If the weather was nicer we could do something outside.

Oh well...

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