Friday, April 30, 2010

Will's Room

I found some fish stickers to go on Will's wall.

Paul helped me put them up the other night.

I think that they turned out really cute.

I might still want to paint some of the walls in his room, but I haven't fully decided yet. Now that I have the stickers up I think that it might look nice to paint it to look like sand and water on that wall. The only problem is that to do that we have to pull all the stickers back off. I'm not sure that I want to do that. They are reusable, but it's a lot of work.

I did decide to paint his book shelf to look like water and sand with more fish.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Picnics and Farms

Since the weather has been so nice these last few weekends we decided to spend them outside.

A week ago we went down to the Jordan River Parkway and had a picnic. We brought along Will's tricycle and Paul helped him learn to ride it.

Will liked the water but was mad when we said that he couldn't go into it.

We walked a long way along the river. Most of the time Will had the lead.

Once we were finished with our hike we had lunch. It was Will's first outdoor picnic.

This last weekend it cooled down again, but the sun was still out, so we decided to go to Wheeler Historical Farm.
Will liked the horses.

He also liked the big tractors.


These pigs were big enough that Will could ride them. They are raised by the local FFA chapter.

Will wanted to pet the little goats.

Paul set Will up so that he could "drive" the equipment.

The geese were out in the canal. Will wanted to get a closer look, but Paul made sure he stayed dry.

It's funny how little children's minds work sometimes. We showed Will the Turkeys. He kept calling them chickens because that's what he knows.

This big rooster was sitting by the barn crowing away.

This is the ice pond. The ducks, geese, and seagulls were out in force. There was another family there feeding bread to the birds. Will liked watching them swim around after the food.

Paul put Will on his shoulders so that he could see the pond better. It was funny because he kept playing with Paul's ears.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Birthday Party Madness

We had Will's Birthday party this weekend. The theme was Spongebob Squarepants.

I decided that I would make the cake.

I think that it turned out pretty good. It sure tasted good.

We did Spongebob decorations as well.

Grandma Rhonda helped Will open his packages.

Will really liked his cake.

Aunt Erin gave Will a T-Ball set and a lot of other sports gear. She and Paul helped him practice.

Grandma Nina gave Will his first bike. He liked riding it around on her front porch and driveway.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Will is 2 years old today.

I had a hard time sleeping last night. I kept waking up and looking at the clock.

At around 2 am I rolled over, saw the time, and thought about the fact that 2 years ago at that same time Will was born.

It made me appreciate my nice, soft bed a lot more remembering the hospital beds.

It also made me realize that it will still be a long time before I do anything like that again!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Wonderland?

This morning when I got up and looked outside that song "Winter Wonderland" came to mind. We had a storm come through in the last 24 hours and we now have about 1 inch of snow on the ground.

When I watched the weather report this morning the news didn't get any better. We are supposed to have another 2 storms come through in the next week or so and dump more snow on us.

I wish that this was an April Fools joke, but I'm not that clever.

I'm so freakin' sick of the cold. I just want the sun to shine for a while.

At least with the weather being miserable I don't feel so bad about taking Will back to the aquarium this Saturday. They have a new penguin exhibit. Hopefully it won't be packed.

If the weather was nicer we could do something outside.

Oh well...