Saturday, December 26, 2009


Well, we finally made it to Christmas. Did that seem to take forever to anyone else?

We spent Christmas Eve with the Grover family like we do each year. It was so nice to see everyone.

I always try and buy us all new sweaters for the occasion. Here is Will in his.

Aunt Elaine always buys all of the kids new Christmas PJ's. Here is Will and Sophie modeling theirs.

We stayed at Grandma Rhonda's and Grandpa Bob's that night.

When we got up in the morning Erin had set up one of Will's presents. It was a building set where you can put together all kinds of crazy paths for marbles to drop through. Will literally squealed when he saw it. He kept coming back to it throughout the day.

Once we pried him away from the marble toy we started opening packages. Here he is opening his gift from Great Grandma Donna and Great Grandpa Bill.

Grandma and Grandpa sent him a firetruck toy and a police car toy. He liked the firetruck so much that we had to open it right away and let him play with it. Mom even went into his room and got his fireman's helmet.

Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Bob gave Will lots of great stuff. Here are some highlights.

Grandma showed Will how to use his new toy laptop.

Will had fun learning how to make his new Sit-n-Spin work.

Grandma gave Will a shopping cart and some plastic food.

The biggest thing was a Little Tikes car.

Here's Will and Daddy playing with some of Will's stocking stuffers.

Aunt Sue sent Will a new outfit for his monkey. He looks pretty cute.

Erin, of course, bought Will something inflatable, this time with water involved. It's a small Pirates Cove inflatable play pool. There are little inflatable pirates and plastic ships to sail around in it.

I think that Erin does really well picking toys for Will because she gets him stuff that she would have loved to play with when she was a kid. In fact, most of the stuff that she gets is stuff that she would like to play with as a grown-up, too!

Once all of the presents were open we cleaned up and the Grover family came over for dinner. We all played with Rhonda and Bob's new Wii game system.
Eventually everyone went home we played with Will's toys some more. We brought out his tent (which actually was given to him months ago but is still one of his favorites) and played with it. He likes to go into it and zip the door closed behind him.

We then packed everything up and drove home. It was a long but fun day.
This morning after breakfast we put together Will's present from Paul and I. We got him a little kids kitchen play set.
As usual, the box is always a way better toy.

Once we had everything put together we played with it until lunchtime.

We had a great holiday and we hope that everyone else had a merry Christmas as well.

1 comment:

TrevnMe said...

W.O.W. He got more presents than 50 kids combined! I'm glad you guys had a fun christmas!