Monday, January 26, 2009


So, we finally got Will blessed at my parents church on Sunday. He'd already been blessed at Nina's church a few months ago, and of course I didn't think to bring a camera to that one. This time I remembered though.
Will was really good and didn't cry when Pastor Jack held him to pray.
However, Pastor Jack did comment on how big Will is getting. Paul's arms were starting to get tired after standing there for a bit.

Afterward we all went to lunch at the local buffet. Will had his lunch and then Grandma Rhonda gave him a little bit of orange sherbet for dessert.

As you can see he made a scrunchy face after it hit his tongue. However, he did open his mouth so that she could put another bite in. He ate most of the little dish that she got for him.
Leave it to grandma to start giving him sweets...
We're all looking forward to going to Idaho next month. We can't wait to show William off to all of the family and friends. Hopefully my arm will be feeling much better by then. I've had 2 visits with the physical therapist and so far it is feeling a bit better.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sorry, I know that it's been a while since I posted anything new. I do have a good excuse, though. I hurt myself.

On the second of January, only two days into our new years worth of medical deductible, I severely sprained my left shoulder. I managed this feat when I was putting on my jacket.

Feel free to laugh at me... everyone else has.

I figured that I could live with the pain for a few days until it started to feel better, but by the next Sunday night I couldn't take it any more and I had Paul take me to the urgent care clinic. They gave me a sling and some pain pills. That helped for about a week, but then the pills ran out. I managed to survive another week, hoping the entire time that it would start to eventually feel better.

It didn't.

So, I got an appointment with a doctor at our usual clinic. He prescribed me lots of Ibuprofen and to take it easy with that arm. It's so easy for a doctor to tell you not to use your arm, especially when he isn't the one with a large 9 month old son. So, I tried to take it easy and I took the pills.

I still hurt like hell.

I called the doctors office back a few days later and pleaded for something stronger so that at least I could sleep without being in constant pain. After another agonizing night he finally called me back and said that I could have some stronger pain pills. So, I started them last Friday.

I don't have as much pain now but I also don't have a clear memory of this last weekend.

Yesterday I went to see a Sports Medicine doctor. He took X-Rays of the shoulder and said that there wasn't anything wrong with the bone. He gave me a prescription for physical therapy. Luckily, since I work for a company that does PT for a living I get a discount.

My first 'pain and torture' visit is on Thursday.

Pray for me...