Tuesday, January 29, 2013

First Lost Tooth

William lost his first tooth yesterday. 
I got a call from Stacey at our daycare as I was pulling into work.  He was eating his cereal and said "ow!".  When they looked in his mouth one of his front teeth was missing!  It hadn't even been loose.
Luckily he didn't swallow it with his breakfast.  They sent it home in a plastic bag.

It was good fortune that he already had a pillow with a little pocket on it to use for the tooth fairy.  I hadn't thought that much about him loosing teeth yet, so I hadn't made him anything to stash them in when it happened. 

We helped him put it in the little pillow and set it on his desk so that it wouldn't roll out in bed.  This morning he found a shiny gold dollar coin in it's place.  The modern tooth fairy is a generous soul...

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