Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend Birthday Celebrations

We celebrated my birthday over the weekend.

On Friday night Paul and Will took me to our favorite pizza place across town. There was a herd of little girls all celebrating a birthday there as well. Between the cake and all of the root beer they had they were on a sugar high. I felt bad for the staff who had to clear up the chaos once they left. I also don't think that I will ever be able to get the ringing sound of high pitched little girl screams out of my head. I am so glad that we have a boy. I'm cool with clearing up a mess, but the noise that all those little girls made is like nails on a chalk board.
Saturday night Mom, Dad, Erin, Paul, Will, and I went out to celebrate. We ate at a local Indian restaurant that has been ranked the best in Utah for almost a decade. Mom had only had Indian food once, and Dad had never had it. The food was really good. Will ate his own weight in rice. Most of it landed in his mouth, but the rest was on the floor.

Afterward we went back to Mom and Dad's house and ate cake, which Erin was kind enough to bake for me. It was really good spice cake with cream cheese frosting. YUM!!!

Will and I went to church with mom and dad yesterday. Afterwards we decided to get some lunch at the Arctic Circle down the road. Mom wanted to go because she and dad get the senior discount. (See, there are some perks to getting older.)

I grabbed my camera from the car because Will had the entire play area to himself.

Here he is running along the bench seats.

Here he is playing peek-a-boo through the play equipment.

I actually took a few more shots, but they all came out blurry. It's hard to get a toddler to sit still long enough to take a picture.

After lunch Mom, Will, and I went shopping. I had coupons and birthday money, which was a deadly combo. I probably spent more than I should have. Oh well...

Last night we had dinner at Nina's house. She cooked meatloaf and bought my favorite kind of cake from the store. DOUBLE YUM!!

After all of the celebrating this week I am tired and about 15 pounds heavier. I also have a ton of leftover cake sitting around. Everyone insisted that I take the left overs home with me.

Pray for my willpower!

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