Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sweet Babies

I noticed something when I was posting pictures the other day.  The photo of Lilly from the Arctic Circle looks just like an old photo that I took of William at the same play place.

My sweet little babies!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

William's 5th Birthday!

William turned 5 on Sunday.  We had his birthday party the day before with all of his friends.  There were so many kids in our house!
When I asked William what he wanted for his party he told me a guitar cake, so we decided on having a "rock star" party.  The invitations where "backstage passes" and our house was decorated in stars and music notes.  All of the kids went home with a goodie bag containing various noise makers (sorry to all of the other parents out there), an inflatable guitar, a pair of black sunglasses, and glow sticks.  Basically everything that they would need to have a concert of their own.



It was difficult to get any clear shots of the kids because no one could stay still.  Everyone spent time playing together and then we played "pin the guitar on the rock star" and "freeze dance" for prizes.

William got tons of cool presents.  The biggest hit with the kids was a set of real bugs encased in acrylic squares that Grandma and Grandpa gave to him.  They all stood around squealing and acting grossed out.

We managed to finally get everyone upstairs for cake and ice cream.  The cake was really good but all the colors on the frosting made your mouth turn colors.  The kids loved it and had a blast when Grandpa Bob showed off this blue teeth.

On Sunday Will had a little party in his Sunday School class with cupcakes, and after dinner Grandma Nina had more cupcakes for dessert.  Tomorrow he is taking cookies to preschool for his party there.
By the end of the week I expect that we will all be sugared out!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013

We had a wonderful Easter this year.  The kids had new outfits to wear to church, which they were nice enough to model for me.
After services there was an egg hunt in the park near our church.  The kids made a haul!


Even Paul got into the act.

We had lunch with mom and dad afterwards at Arctic Circle.  Lilly kept hiding in the toys.

Grandma and Grandpa also took William to buy his birthday present this weekend.  He got a new bike.  Lilly was not happy that she didn't have something to ride on (her feet don't reach the pedals on the tricycle yet) so we bought her a new scooter.  She loved it!

William had a little trouble riding his bike at first, but once he got used to it he took off like a shot.  I could barely get a couple of pictures before he took off with Grandpa running behind.

Next weekend is William's birthday.  We're having a party at our house on Saturday with all of his friends.  I've given out over 20 invites, so lets hope that Paul and I survive all those kids!