Friday, September 28, 2012

Face Paint and Swings

Over the last few weeks we have been trying to get the most out of the final warm weekends of the year.  A couple of Friday's ago mom and dad's neighborhood had a huge block party.  There were bounce houses, face painting, and lots of food.  William had his face painted like a snake.

The following Sunday we spent time at the park down the road from Nina's house.  The kids really enjoyed playing on the swings.  Paul would push them and then pretend like they had kicked him when they swung forward.  They laughed so hard!

Lilly really likes to swing.  She cried and cried when it was finally time to go home.  I have a feeling that we might need to install a swing set in the back yard at home to keep her happy.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

William's First Day of Preschool

Today was William's first day at preschool.  He was excited to go and see what kind of fun they would have.

He likes his teach, Ms. Amy, and all the fun toys that they have in the classroom.

(That's his "cheese" face!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last few weeks of fun

Two weekends ago our friends Stephanie, Eli, Corbin, and Zane came to visit us.  We had lots of fun going to Lagoon.  The boys rode on almost everything.

The boys also had a sleep over campout on the couch.  This was William's first sleepover.

After everyone left on Sunday we had a quiet day at home. The kids spent a good amount playing in the sandbox.