Monday, August 20, 2012

Weekend Open House

We had an open house this weekend so that everyone could come and see our new place.  While everything was still clean I got some pictures.

Family Room


Living/Dining Room

Lilly's Room

William's Room

Master Bedroom

Basement Living Room

Spare Bedroom

William's Pictures

A while back Grandma Rhonda gave William his very own kids digital camera.  Every so often he fills the memory chip in it and brings it to me to download the pictures.  Here are the highlights from the last few months.

A picture of Will taken by Daddy.

Mommy with her curlers in.


Doofus (William's cat)

Lilly's toys

Stuff on the kitchen counter.  (I think he got a shot of a UFO here, because I have no idea what the dark thing in the window is.)

The view out our front window.

Lilly and Daddy

William's blanket on the couch

William's foot

William watching Sponge Bob

The mountain above the Snowbird ski resort.

William jumping on the bungee trampoline at Snowbird. (Taken by Mommy)

Daddy "jumping" Lilly.  She was jealous of William.

These are pictures of Lilly's room at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  William was supposed to be taking a nap, but obviously he wasn't sleepy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Weekend Slip-n-Slide

We had a fun weekend.  On Saturday we took the kids to the aquarium.  Of course it wasn't until we were already there that I realized that my camera was broken.  So, I didn't get any pictures of them.  Bummer...

After the aquarium we went to mom and dad's house to celebrate Paul's birthday.  William decided that we had to wear birthday hats.  Mom kept trying to get Lilly to stand still wearing her hat long enough so that she could get a picture.  It wasn't working to well.

When dinner was done grandpa set up the slip-n-slide for the kids.  They loved it.

On Sunday we took the kids up to the mountains.  We headed up to the Snowbird ski resort.  It was beautiful weather and so nice to get up above the city for a bit.  William wanted to have a ride on the bungee jump/trampolines so I got him a ticket.  Since my camera was broken I couldn't get any good shots, but we had William's camera.  Once I find the cord I will upload those shots.  We also rode the tram up to the top of the mountain.  The view was great.