Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Teeth

Lilly has finally gotten some teeth.  Her bottom two front teeth are starting to push through.  You can just feel the tops when you run your finger over her gums.
It's about time!

She's been really wanting to eat everything that the rest of us get, but without the teeth to chew she chokes on everything.  Hopefully now she can start having some better stuff.  Strained peas just aren't cutting it any more!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bouncys, Baths, and Peas

Lilly is finally big enough to get into the bouncy, so long as William promises not to knock her around.  They had a lot of fun playing at Grandma's house one day.

Once sister had played for a bit we took her out so that William could go nuts.  She kept trying to crawl back in.

Later that night the kids needed a bath, so we put them in together.  Lilly is a lot more stable sitting up so she can have a bath in the big tub now.

She's also starting to try out "real" foods.  We gave her some warmed peas the other night.  She seemed less than impressed with them.  Mostly she pushed them around her tray.

I had made a lovely pot roast for the rest of us, but William decided that he would rather have peas, too.  So, I got him a bowl full.  He ate them all.

This must be proof that he really is an alien, because not many 3 year olds would choose peas for dinner!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Mobile Pictures

I recently figured out how to download pictures from my phone to my computer.  I don't have a data plan for our phones so this took more effort than it should have.  Luckily, it didn't cost me anything so I will hopefully be able to do it more often and share.

William told me "five more minutes" one morning and pulled the covers over his head.

William eating a cookie as big as his head.

Lilly modeling her Red Sox onesie when she was a few months old.  Go Sox!!!

Lilly's "Good Morning" face.

William painted like a tiger at the Art Festival.

Happy baby

Paul and Lilly snoozing on Grandma Nina's couch.

Ashley pregnant with Lilly. (This is a keeper because I am NEVER doing that again.)