Friday, February 3, 2012

Lilly's Blessing

A few weekends ago we had Lillian blessed at our church.  She did really good and didn't cry when Michael held her to say a prayer.

Afterward she and I went to play in the church nursery.  She cries when we try to leave her in there so I have to stay and play.

A few days later we went to play at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  William wanted to play with the balls so we got them out and Grandpa inflated the little pool and house that they go with.  We decided that Lilly was big enough to play with him.
Grandma took a million pictures.  Here's some of the best.

William seems to think that you need to roar at the camera every time now.

By the way... his hair is like that on purpose.  When I was getting ready he said that he wanted his hair spiked, so I put some of Paul's gel in it.  This is the result after a few hours of playing.