Monday, October 24, 2011

Witch-a-Palooza 2011

On Saturday we went to Witch-a-Palooza at Gardner Village.  Each year they have a big festival at Halloween time throughout the historic village.

William wanted to ride a pony so Grandma Rhonda bought him a ticket.

They had lots of witches throughout the village doing various activities.  This one was giving her frog a ride.  I had William go stand by her for a picture.  He liked them, but he really didn't want to get too close.

This is the view from the covered bridge back along the stream that runs through the village.

These witches were playing baseball.

This one was taking a ride on her flying bicycle.

These ones were practicing coming in for a landing.

William posed for me in front of the giant pumpkin painting.

This is Hilda's Hangout.  It was covered on all sides with pumpkins.

Witchy brew

William liked the witch playing the piano.

This one was in the middle of the stream catching fish.

We had a lot of fun looking at all of the cute little shops that they have at the village.  I was really tempted to buy a tutu shirt for Lilly at the baby shop, until I saw what they wanted for it.  I figure that for that price I could make 2 or 3 of them on my own!

Friday, October 14, 2011

More Catching Up

So, when you allow Grandma Rhonda to take pictures she accumulates them on her camera until the end of the summer.  I finally had to download them for her because we needed some for a project at work.

The following pictures are from various events over the past few months.

Lilly and me at the concert at the Canyons.

Lilly and Grandma at Oktoberfest.

Paul and William went to the Magna Arts Festival a while back and Will got his face painted with the Batman logo.  Afterward they went for a ride on the new Trax train with Grandma and Grandpa.

Here's William posing for pictures.

William at the splash pad by Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Lilly stretching out on her blankie at the park.

I took this picture of Lilly last month and uploaded it to the Tiny Tilla by Avon website.  They are having a contest looking for the next Tiny Tilla baby.  Cross your fingers for us.

This is Lilly's Halloween costume.  We had to try it on to make sure that it fit.  Lilly ladybug!!