Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weekend Fun

We had a lot of fun this last week because Aunt Kendall and Katie were in town. We spent a lot of time playing with them at mom and dad's house.

They brought William a gift. It's a Mexican Wrestling mask with an attached cape. He loved it.

This is his "mean" face.

On Saturday we decided to check out the "Up" house that they built in Herriman. For those of you that don't live around here, a local home builder built a replica of the house from the movie "Up" in a new development in Herriman, Utah. Here is a link to the news feature on the house. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=16280329 We weren't allowed inside but according to the news story they have done the inside of the house to match the movie as well, including murals on the walls and furnishings. I also read in the paper that they added some other Pixar rooms to the house, including Andy's room from "Toy Story".

The house is part of the local parade of homes this year, and on Saturday they held a showing of the movie in the park in front of the house. It was free to the public so we decided to go. They had free popcorn and balloons.

Here's Lilly happy to be out in the open air.

Mommy and Lilly waiting for the movie.

Daddy and William waiting for the movie.

Daddy entertaining William while we waited.

The actual house.

William checking out the mailbox.

William chillin' on the porch.

They are hoping to sell this house for $400,000 in order to break even on the building costs. I'm trying really hard to convince Paul that mortgaging our lives away in order to buy it wouldn't be such a bad thing. I'm not sure he is swayed by my argument.

On Sunday we decided to go swimming. It was Lilly's first time at the pool. She wasn't thrilled about it so we just laid her in a floater and she fell asleep.

William is a crazy swimming man! He just dives right into the pool and takes off. I will probably sign him up for lessons sometime soon. Right now he just motors around the pool in water wings and a floater ring.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mummy Wrapped Kids

Last night as I was trying to get dinner on the table Lilly started to fuss so Paul wrapped her up in her blanket and snuggled her on the couch. When William saw what Daddy was doing he decided that he wanted to be wrapped up in a blankie, too. Paul obliged and then propped both of them together on the couch so that I could get a picture.

Here's both of them wrapped up like mummies.

It's funny how different siblings can be from one another. When William was a baby he hated being swaddled. Lilly settles right down if you wrap her up. Paul has started calling her his little caterpillar girl, because she is fuzzy and she likes to be in a cocoon.