Monday, April 4, 2011

Will's Third Birthday

We had William's 3rd Birthday party this weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We decorated with stars, balloons, and streamers at Will's request. I managed to get all the way to mom and dad's before realizing that I left our new camera on the table at home. So, we used mom's camera to take pictures. Unfortunately, I think that we had it set to an outdoors setting because the photos aren't as crisp as they usually are. Oh well... Here's William and Kensie eating cupcakes. Paul helped William open his presents. He got lots of books from Grandma Nina and sports equipment from Aunt Erin. He also really liked the Hot Wheels cars and sidewalk chalk from our friends Terri and Ryan.

Will saying "cheese".

This was the aftermath from the party. I am so glad that mom and dad have a house big enough to have this stuff at.

Grandma and Grandpa gave Will a chair with his name on it for watching TV at their house. That night we were all so wiped out that we just crashed. He got all comfy in his new chair.

It was really fun to have everyone over. William had Kensie to play with, Terri brought her new baby, Conner, and Maria and I got to commiserate over being pregnant (she's due in October).

Man, with all these babies around you'd think that we lived in Utah or something!