Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dinosaur Museum

We decided to take William to the Museum of Ancient Life over the weekend. We figured that it would be a good way to spend a snowy Saturday afternoon, since we couldn't be outside due to the weather.

By the time that we got down to the museum we all needed a snack. So, before we even went into the actual exhibits we stopped at the cafe. Will had a soft pretzel and he liked dipping it in the nacho cheese.

Once we ate we went into the exhibits. Here is Will and Paul next to a life-size dino mural.

Will liked the displays showing the ancient fish. He just couldn't understand why these fish didn't move.

This is another life-size display that hangs from the ceiling above the walkway.

They have windows along the displays so that little people can see, too.

Will liked pushing the buttons on the world map. When you push the button next to a dinosaur the place where that dinosaur lived lights up on the wall map.

They have a large erosion table for the kids to play with. They can build up walls of sand and watch the water wash the plastic dinosaurs and plants downstream, like in a flash flood.

Will didn't like it very much. He didn't like that the sand got on his hands. He kept asking me to wipe them off.
Paul tried to show Will how to move the sand around, but he got mad because he didn't like the feeling of the sand.

I think that the highlight of the day for Will was the hand dryer that we used to dry off after the erosion table. It was right at his height and he liked pushing the button.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hats and PJ's

Grandma Rhonda likes to take pictures of Will's clothes.

For Valentine's Day she gave Will a plaid hat. Here are the pictures.

Grandpa Bob got Will a table and chair so that he could color more comfortably.

This is how he was doing it before.

It looked comfy to me.
Grandma also wanted a shot of the PJ's that he was wearing.

I have a feeling that if we didn't have Will around to dress up Rhonda would have the dogs in little outfits more often.
I'm sure that the dogs are happy that we have Will. :-)