Monday, January 18, 2010

Auto Expo

This weekend was the 2010 Utah Auto Expo.

Usually Paul and Bob spend some quality "guy" time looking at all of the cars and seeing which of the hybrid compact cars Paul can squish into.

Usually I am more than happy to ship Paul off for the afternoon and have some time to myself.

Usually I can think of 20 different things that I would rather do then stare at every make and model of new car out there.


This time, however, Paul decided that he would like it if Will and I came along.

So, we packed everything that we could think of to keep a toddler happy into the van and set off.

Will did seem to like playing with all of the cars. We let him sit in some and push buttons. As expected (and just like his father) he seemed to like the expensive ones more.

We saw a lot of different stuff. Half the time Will ran Grandpa around.

The other half of the time Paul carried him. (He's getting way too big and heavy for me to carry.)
As usual, Paul managed to score a hat from the Scion guys. This time it was a beanie, so he let Will have it. It kind of made him look like those B-Boys that Erin and Rhonda like to watch dance.

When we made it over to the Ford display Paul wanted to see the new Taurus and Fiesta. We were pretty impressed that he fit into the Taurus. In fact, there was enough room for Will to sit on his lap.

Most of the newer models have a lot of buttons on the steering wheel, which Will thought was a great idea. He also seems to like those flappy paddle shifters that they use a lot now. We had to be careful that he didn't break them off!

Paul's friend who works at the exotic car dealership was there, too. He had a bunch of super cars on display. I keep telling Paul that he can have one once he hits the lottery or figures out another way to pay for it.
Lord help me if my son grows up to like cars as well.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


We took Will sledding today at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He was a little unsure about it at first, but once he figured out how to hold on to the sides of the sled he enjoyed it.

Here are some of the highlights.

Will and Daddy going down the hill.

Will and Grandma going down the hill.

Will and Grandma going down the hill, again. (Grandma liked doing this... if you can't tell.)

Will and Grandma at the bottom of the hill.

Grandpa pulling Will through the back yard.

Daddy pulling Will through the back yard.

Will in the front yard.

Grandpa trying to kill himself on the old sled.

For all of you out there that are wondering if Bob killed himself on that sled, or at least threw his back out... no, he didn't. However, I do have some shots of him at the bottom of the hill that were too undignified to post.
Will really liked being pulled around on the level ground by everyone. We all took turns because the snow was still pretty deep and hard to walk through. We all got a real workout today.