Thursday, June 25, 2009


Grandpa Dale passed away today.

He taught me how to fish.
He showed me how to find fossils.
He took me hiking to see ancient rock art and look for arrowheads.
He showed me how electricity worked.
He taught me how computers ran and how to do Basic programming.
He showed me how to use a band saw, and made me a beautiful bird house out of barn wood.
He gave me Indian beads that he found in his driveway and gold that he panned from the desert.

He told me that a guinea pigs eyes would fall out if you held it up by it's tail.
He told me that Hedgehogs were the pet of the future, and he tried to get me to start raising them in our basement.
He told me that tapioca was really made out of frogs eyes.

He was my teacher and my friend... and I will miss him.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Forks and Spoons

Will has learned some basics on eating with utensils. Here are some pictures from his latest meal at Grandma Rhonda's house.

He was having a hard time stabbing the noodles with his fork so Grandma helped him. Eventually he got tired of doing it the slow way and decided to use his hands.